Tuesday 15 November 2011

Typography For Our Digipak And Poster

The typography is an important aspect of both a digipak and a poster and contributes towards making them look professional and visually appealing. As our music video is based on the genre of R&B, I thought it would be a good idea to look at a digipak from an artist who produces and releases the same genre of music and look at the type of typography used for their digipak and poster. Looking at the above example of Whitney Houston's 'I Look To You' album, the style of font looks very simple but is bold, large and contrasts with the background, making it stand out to the target audience. The font on the poster is the same as the font on the album cover, if not, similar to the font on the album cover but the poster involves more colour, making it look more glamorous and attractive, and drawing in the audiences interest. Below are examples of fonts similar to the ones found in Whitney Houston's digipak and poster.

These are the typical fonts which we would expect to see on the front of R&B album covers. For typical digipaks and posters like Whitney Houston's, the font is mainly aligned to the left or to the right of the digipak and there is usually an image of the artist in the background. This position and boldness of the font allows the audience to see a visual of the artist as well as the font standing out. The colours are also very simple as well which isn't typically attractive. However, the font usually contrasts with the background, making it clearer and easier to see and read.

With our digipak, we want the typography to be simple. We have no intentions to make the font juxtapose with the theme and genre of the song, in fact we want our typography to relate to the concept and the lyrics in our song so that the theme is consistent throughout. Although we want our typography to be simple, we also want it to be unique and effective, so we are going to subvert from using typical fonts and we plan to change the opacity of the font to make it more 'ghost-like'. We plan to do this using Adobe Photoshop. Below are fonts that we may consider using which differ from other R&B fonts.

These fonts above still have elements of the R&B font but are more mysterious and 'ghostly'. I think that these fonts would be most suitable for our digipak. These fonts widen the choices we have to select from as we can choose typical R&B fonts and give them a ghostly effect or we can choose the fonts above without having to add any effects.