Monday 28 November 2011

Weekly Log 24/11/11 - 1/12/11

This week, me and Kadeem are aiming to get some shooting done for our music video. We have created a schedule and today, we plan to do a practice shot so that we can upload this onto final cut express and experiment with the opacity. Because we have done something similar to this in AS, it should be fairly easy to do. We want to do this because we want to make sure that it will look effective in our real music video, so by practicing it now, we can evaluate the practice shot and decide whether or not to use it in the music video.

Today, Kadeem is gathering some audience feedback from our class mates and he will edit these into one short video for us to upload on our blog. This will be useful because it will help us to develop on some of our ideas that may need improving.

Also, because our school is on strike on Wednesday, we are going to take advantage of this and we are going to try and shoot some footage down in Southbank. We need to double check with our actors that they will be free on this day. If they are not available on the Wednesday, this may prevent us from shooting on the Wednesday.