Tuesday 15 November 2011

Target Audience And Moodboards For Our Artist

Primary Target Audience Moodboard
The primary target audience for our chosen artist would dominantly be an urban group of females in between the ages of 16 - 35. The reason I say this is because our chosen artist Carla Jaye is 18 years old and I think that females within her age range would feel as if they can relate to the lyrics in her songs and her life experiences. The younger females may also look up to Carla Jaye as an inspiration or a role model, which is another reason for why I feel that young females would listen to Carla Jaye's music. I believe that the females in between the ages of 25 - 35 may feel inclined to listen to Carla Jaye's music because she is similar to other famous females artists who are big stars in the music industry. A lot of females tend to listen to female artists because they tend to sing songs which encourage 'female power'.

In terms of ethnicity, I don't feel that any specific ethnic group would listen to Carla Jaye's music, the reason I say this is because Carla Jaye is of mixed heritage herself, so I imagine the ethnicity of the target audience would be very diverse ranging from African-Americans, Caucasians, Asians etc.

I believe that the target audience would consist of females mainly from a middle working class family. The reason I say this is because Carla Jaye comes from a middle class family herself and so females from a middle working class family may feel that they can relate to her.

Secondary Target Audience Moodboard
The secondary target audience for our chosen artist would be a group of young males in between the ages of 12 - 20 years old. The reason I say this is because males also tend to be emotional and may also feel that they can relate to the situations that Carla Jaye sings about. The reason I believe that the age range of the secondary target audience is 12 - 20 is because as males grow up, their testosterone levels increase and they generally become more sexually active. This means that they may listen to or watch Carla Jaye perform because they find her attractive or because they find the performance pleasurable; in other words they are conforming to the 'male gaze' theory.

Again, I dont think that any specific ethnic group would listen to Carla Jaye's music. Because she is of mixed heritage, I imagine that her secondary target audience would also be very diverse and would include a number of different ethnic groups.