Monday 12 December 2011

Weekly Log 8/12/11 - 15/12/11

This week, we are aiming to finish filming and editing for our rough edit which is due in on Thursday. We have tried to stick to the schedule as thoroughly as possible to ensure that we would film all our footage in time for our deadline. However on the Sunday, we were unable to film because the actor which we had previously arranged to film with dropped out due to dedications to her own work. Luckily, on the Monday, we managed to find a more appropriate actor who is easily accessible and lives local so we could film for longer durations. We arranged to meet up on the same Monday after school and go to Southbank to film some test shots to see what the footage would look like when filming in the dark. This didn't go down to well as our actors face was too dark when filming so we couldn't see her facial expressions very well when it came to miming the lyrics. We showed our teacher the footage and was told that it was too dark and that we should film during the day when its light. Me and Kadeem sat down with our actor and discussed when each of us were free to work out when would be the best time to film. Our actor was free to film after school on the Tuesday and in the morning from 8:00 - 10:30. On the Tuesday...