Thursday 1 December 2011

Unfinished Version Of Poster

Below is an image of what our final poster will look like. The poster in incomplete at the moment because we havent yet got an image of the actor to put on the front of the poster. However, once we incorporate this, plus a couple of other things such as reviews and star ratings and the record labels logo, the final draft of the poster will be complete and we will present it to our teacher, peers and a wider audience so that we can receive feedback on how it looks. The poster looks different to how we previously wanted it to look, which is due to the fact that we had to change the design of the front cover of the digipak and we wanted to poster to have a similar appearance to the digipak. We have tried to stick to as many convention of a poster as possible when creating the poster on Adobe Photoshop CS3. We included the artists website and social network pages, the artists name in an exquisite font to reflect her star persona, the name of the album in an eye-catching font, the names of other popular songs that will feature on the album, the release date of the album in a font that stands out and where the album will be available to purchase on the day of its release - iTunes.

Final Draft Of The Poster
Without An Image Of The Actor.