Monday 5 December 2011

Recee Shots And Location Footage


Below is an image of the main walkway at Southbank. This will be where we will shoot the footage of the artist/actor walking down and singing. This is a good location to shoot because it is quiet during the day whilst most people are out or at work so we won't be getting in anybodies way or no one will get in our way. The advantage of using this location is that if it's dark or light and were shooting and the lighting is natural and high key, we are already provided with lighting, where as if we are shooting and it is dark, we are still provided with the street lamps and other lights around us. If it is dark we could also bring lighting like torches or lights which use batteries. Another advantage is that if we find this area to be quiet busy, we can always walk down and use another section of the South bank as the pathway is very long.

Walkway at Southbank.

Walkway at Southbank (Other side).

Walkway from above.
Below is an image of the skatepark at Southbank. We may consider filming at this location because it is an area which is popular amongst a lot of young people and they may be familiar with it. A disadvantage of using this location is that if it gets dark, its going to be hard to film because it would literally be pitch black in the skatepark due to a lack of lighting.

Skatepark at Southbank.
Below is an image of a bridge near Southbank. This is where we will shoot some footage of the artist/actor singing along the bridge. The reason we chose this location is because the view from the top of the bridge looks appealing and the car and street lights along the bridge would also look effective in the scene and would provide additional light if it is too dark whilst filming. A disadvantage of outside locations is that we are shooting in a season where it becomes dark at early times. The sky will also appear to be dull and grey as well which could possibly ruin the visibility and vibrancy of the music video. Therefore, when it comes to editing we may need to use tints to create brighter effect, possibly change the contrast or bring torches and lights which use batteries.

View along the bridge.
View from the top of the bridge.

View along the other side of the bridge.

Below is an image of a pathway leading to the London Eye. This is where we will film our artist/actor singing whilst she is walking towards the camera. We chose this location because by having her walking down the middle of the pathway, the audience can focus their attention on just her even if there are other people around. Also if it is dark due to the time of day, it shouldn't be a problem because there are currently christmas lights on the trees which will add to the lighting and it shouldn't be too dark.

Pathway leading towards the London Eye.

Below is an image of Namco station. This is an arcade where we will film the male winning a prize i.e. a teddy bear for the female as a romantic gesture. We chose this location because it is nearby and easy to access. It is also convenient for the scene that we want to shoot. The disadvantages of using inside locations is that we have limited space. This restricts us from moving around the room and filming our music video. Also, if we were inside a location such as a Namco station and the light was also limited, there are no sources of electricity where we can plug in bright lights such as red heads. 

Inside Namco station.

Namco station from outside.

Below is an image of the location where we will film the male and the female sitting down at a restaurant together. We chose this area because it is local and we wont have to travel far in between different places when filming. Also it looks like a nice place where a couple would sit down to eat together. Also If we are shooting in an inside location, we may require permission to shoot our music video and if we aren't given their consent, then we have a dilemma. To avoid this, we have to make sure we come across as polite and always explain to the people who approach us exactly what we are doing and why. If we carry around a letter from our teacher giving us permission, we may be able to avoid getting into any trouble.

Restaurant at South Bank.

Exit via St. Thomas hospital from Waterloo station.

I feel as if these locations are the most suitable as they are typical locations of romance. These are locations where the male would typically take the female out to, maybe to the arcade to win their partner a teddy, to a restaurant to eat or to drop them back home via train and these situations all represent the R&B genre. These locations are all set in South bank, an area in London. Because south bank is a very modern place full of entertainment, this could also represent our artist to be outgoing, fashionable and trendy.