Thursday 1 December 2011

Audience Feedback Sheets

Below are some images of the feedback that we had received from our final pitch. We had scanned these sheets and uploaded them to our blog. These will help us develop on our ideas for our final music video.
  • Good research into conventions.
  • Include pictures, too wordy.
  • Good genre study for digipak, could have more information on the poster.
  • Study more into the costumes.
  • Clear storyboard, with clear pictures.
  • Good organisation of actors with a backup.

  • Clear understanding of conventions.
  • Clearly isn't sure about whether or not they will be subverting or conforming to conventions of R&B.
  • Doesn't know how they are incorporating their conventions.
  • Should include how audience consume media, as well as their hobbies and interest.
  • Good label research.
  • Understand how costume represents artists star persona.

  • Narrative in depth, has a good storyline.
  • Should reduce alpha when editing footage, would be effective.
  • Clear intertextual references.
  • Sounds like a 'BIG' project.
  • Like the idea of spreading the poster through social media.

  • What are the conventions? Which have you used?
  • Include media consumption and target audience's hobbies and interests.
  • Good label research.
  • Clear consideration of costumes and locations - think carefully about make up and style of your artist.
  • Well drawn digipak and poster.
  • Some good ideas but need to experiment with the Ghost & silhouette technique.

  • Good narrative and link to a conventional R&B genre.
  • Good target audience and information about the artist.
  • Good ideas.
  • Need to make sure we have actors who are available.