Wednesday 29 February 2012

Final Poster

Inner Panel No. 2 For Digipak

Inner Panel No.1 For Digipak

Front Cover Of Digipak

BIography For Digipak

CD Tray For Digipak

Back Cover Of Digipak

Below is an image of the back cover of our digipak which we created on Adobe Photoshop CS3. We tried to stick to as many conventions as possible when creating our digipak. As you can see we have included a track list of the songs which will feature on the album which is one of the main typical conventions of digipak back cover. We have also included the artist's website and social networks so that the audience are able to visit the sites and post comments, views bio's etc. We have also incorporated the record labels and the production teams logos in the bottom right corner of the digipak. This allows the audience to recognise who was in charge of the production of the album. Information about the production team and the date that the album was published have also been incorporated into the back cover of the digipak. This is another typical convention of albums and digipaks.

Back Cover Of Digipak

Final Music Video